
Showing posts from 2010

Pemenang STMIK Antar Bangsa Blog Competition 2010

Selamat Kepada Setiyono yang telah memenangkan Lomba Blog STMIK Antar Bangsa 2010. Dari blog-blog yang terdaftar, ada dua blog yang masuk final, yaitu: Di bawah ini adalah komentar dari juri (Bpk. Budi Sofjan) tentang kedua blog tersebut: - GetTricks: kesan pertama;sarat informasi, penuturannya simple dan praktis (mudah diikuti oleh pembaca), informasinya variatif mulai dari tips & tricks, artikel populer, news, sampai fitur social networking ada. All-in-one-page, keliatanya memang 'ribet' tapi ini pendekatan yang bagus soalnya umumnya reader cenderung males untuk pindah-pindah halaman. Sayang disainnya kurang apik, terlalu umum. Satu hal lagi headernya yang berupa animasi cenderung bikin 'lelah' mata pembacanya. - Wahyu: penampilan disain grafisnya menarik kesannya rapi dan apik. Sayang miskin informasi dan kontennya sendiri cenderung lebih untuk konsumsi pribadi atau kalangan sendiri daripada untuk ko...

Mendefinisikan Komputasi Awan (Cloud Computing)

Sampai dengan saat ini, belum ada definisi yang baku tentang komputasi awan (cloud computing). Di bawah ini beberapa definisi komputasi awan: - Menurut Gartner: Cloud computing is a style of computing where massively scalable IT related capabilities are provided “as a service” across the Internet to multiple external customers. - Menurut Forrester: A pool of abstracted, highly scalable, and managed infrastructure capable of hosting end-customer applications and billed by consumption. - Menurut IBM: An emerging computing paradigm where data and services reside in massively scalable data centers and can be ubiquitously accessed from any connected devices over the internet.

Laporan: Situs Web Yang Terinfeksi Malware di Tahun 2010 Dua Kali Lebih Banyak

Web-based malware growth Q3 2009 - Q3 2010 (Credit: Dasient) The number of Web sites infected with malware has doubled from a year ago to more than 1.2 million, according to a study released today by Internet security company Dasient. Not only are social-media sites getting targeted, but sites of larger government agencies increasingly are hit, including the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Treasury, and the Environmental Protection Agency, according to the report. In the last two years, the NIH has been infected and reinfected five times, and the state of Alabama's site was infected 37 times. Read more:

Bagaimana Enkripsi Mengamankan Komunikasi pada Web

For many years, the SSL ( Secure Sockets Layer ) protocol has been securing web transactions using encryption between your web browser and a web server, protecting you from anybody that might be snooping on the network in the middle. SSL itself is conceptually quite simple. It begins when the browser requests a secure page (usually https://) The web server sends its public key with its certificate. The browser checks that the certificate was issued by a trusted party (usually a trusted root CA), that the certificate is still valid and that the certificate is related to the site contacted. The browser then uses the public key, to encrypt a random symmetric encryption key and sends it to the server with the encrypted URL required as well as other encrypted http data. The web server decrypts the symmetric encryption key using its private key and uses the browser’s symmetric key to decrypt its URL and http data. The web server sends back the requested html document and http data ...

Enkripsi Asimetrik

First, Alice asks Bob to send his open padlock to her through regular mail, keeping his key to himself. When Alice receives it she uses it to lock a box containing her message, and sends the locked box to Bob. Bob can then unlock the box with his key and read the message from Alice. To reply, Bob must similarly get Alice’s open padlock to lock the box before sending it back to her. The critical advantage in an asymmetric key system is that Bob and Alice never need to send a copy of their keys to each other. This prevents a third party (perhaps, in the example, a corrupt postal worker) from copying a key while it is in transit, allowing said third party to spy on all future messages sent between Alice and Bob. In addition, if Bob were careless and allowed someone else to copy his key, Alice’s messages to Bob would be compromised, but Alice’s messages to other people would remain secret, since the other people would be providing different padlocks for Alice to use. Asymmetric...

Enkripsi Simetrik

Alice puts her secret message in a box, and locks the box using a padlock to which she has a key. She then sends the box to Bob through regular mail. When Bob receives the box, he uses an identical copy of Alice’s key (which he has somehow obtained previously, maybe by a face-to-face meeting) to open the box, and read the message. Bob can then use the same padlock to send his secret reply.