
Showing posts from January, 2011

Apakah Appreciative Inquiry?

Ap-pre’ci-ate, v., 1. valuing; the act of recognizing the best in people or the world around us; affirming past and present strengths, successes, and potentials; to perceive those things that give life (health, vitality, excellence) to living systems 2. to increase in value, e.g. the economy has appreciated in value. Synonyms: VALUING, PRIZING, ESTEEMING, and HONORING. In-quire’ (kwir), v., 1. the act of exploration and discovery. 2. To ask questions; to be open to seeing new potentials and possibilities. Synonyms: DISCOVERY, SEARCH, and SYSTEMATIC EXPLORATION, STUDY. Appreciative Inquiry is about the coevolutionary search for the best in people, their organizations, and the relevant world around them. In its broadest focus, it involves systematic discovery of what gives “life” to a living system when it is most alive, most effective, and most constructively capable in economic, ecological, and human terms. AI involves, in a central way, the art and practice of asking questions that st...

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Karakterisitk Seorang Pemikir Desain

Tim Brown (CEO Ideo) mengidentifikasi karakteristik-karakteristik yang nampak dimiliki seorang yang berpikir desain, yaitu: Empathy. They can imagine the world from multiple perspectives—those of colleagues, clients, end users, and customers(current and prospective). By taking a “people first” approach, design thinkers can imagine solutions that are inherently desirable and meet explicit or latent needs. Great design thinkers observe the world in minute detail. They notice things that others do not and use their insights to inspire innovation. Integrative thinking. They not only rely on analytical processes (those that produce either/or choices) but also exhibit the ability to see all of the salient—and sometimes contradictory—aspects of a confounding problem and create novel solutions that go beyond and dramatically improve on existing alternatives. (See Roger Martin’s The Opposable Mind: How Successful Leaders Win Through Integrative Thinking.) Optimism. They assume that no matter ho...

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Berpikir Desain (Design Thinking)

Tim Brown (CEO dan Presiden Ideo) merumuskan berpikir desain sebagai sebuah pendekatan yang menggunakan sensibilitas desainer dan metode menciptakan sesuatu yang bernilai bagi pelanggan dan peluang pasar yang berpijak pada kesesuaian antara kebutuhan orang-orang (desirability) dengan feasibilitas teknologi dan viabilitas strategi bisnis. Berpikir desain itu sebuah upaya mengajak kita untuk berp ikir layaknya seorang desainer. Misi berpikir desain adalah menerjemahkan observasi menjadi inspirasi dan inspirasi menjadi produk dan jasa yang mengembangkan kualitas kehidupan. Sebuah metodologi yang menginspirasi individu untuk memiliki spektrum yang luas tentang aktivitas inovatif dengan etos desain berbasis manusia. Seperti pendekatan yang digunakan oleh Thomas Edison dalam menciptakan karya-karyanya. Berpikir Desain, menggunakan tiga ruang, yaitu: 1. Ruang Inspirasi 2. Ruang Ideasi 3. Ruang Implementasi • Ruang Inspirasi Ruang inspirasi ditujukan untuk hal-hal yg terkait dengan motivasi p...